Clothing Manufacturer in Mauritius
For your clothing line : Which service do you expect ?
Pattern making
You don’t have pattern ?
We develop your patterns : Send us existing models, pictures , designs with dimensions … And specify the weight, the type and quality of fabric you want : We prepare your pattern and manufacturing sheet
How it works ?
After we receive your information, we draw with computer the pattern in the size you want to achieve for prototype. These drawings are then immediately transferred onto ” cutting boards ” to prepare the prototype. ”
Our standard rates for making ” pattern ” :
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White canvas Prototype
This is time to articulate the various manufacturing operations …
We analyze your specifications and technical possibilities we could propose to you in order to optimize production costs and labour .
How it works ?
– We cut several pieces to submit different mounting and finishing options .
. – For this step, we generally use :
1) Cotton “Etamine” + red stitching to highlight all the building and lining … even those that will be invisible when the product will be completed.
2) We also sew your models in a white canvas corresponding (same weight/quality) to your fabrics
– To save time and avoid as much as possible to / models, we recommend using our ” web cam meeting” for a direct contact between the people in charge of product design in your company and our models makers .
Different technical options will be tested and implemented in real live during these meeting !
At the end, we will send you the models, and our quote for labor to achieve your Marketing series and your production
Our standard rates for white canvas prototype ( Cutting – Sewing – Web meeting + / – 1h )
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Grading Pattern
To decline your products in several sizes
Once you have accepted the prototype. It is then possible to formalize a final pattern, and adapt it to all your customers.
How it works ?
We adapt the finalized pattern in the sizes you want it to be produced, and for each size we make technical drawings on ” cuts boards” to prepare grading prototypes .
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Printed positioning
For one-way printed fabrics
In order to assess the footage of fabric for production of each style / size, taking into account fabrics specificities : graphic and technical.
How it works ?
After receiving your fabrics or swatches, we submit different canvas positioning options. For each option, we indicate the amount of fabric consumed per model/size, and the % loss.
Our standard rates for ” Printed Matching positioning ” :
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Grading Prototypes :
Making one finished product per size
How it works ?
In our Models workshop, we manufacture, 3 finished products per size . These samples once validated, become the “reference sample ” for each version .
– 2 models are sent to you : 1 your ” reference sample ” – 1 for shooting or press releaseā¦
– 1 model remains in our workshops , to serve as our ” reference sample ” for the production phase
Our standard rates for ” Grading Prototypes ” :
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BAT + final datasheet
It contains the details of all operations to achieve the mounting of your products,
This document have been updated during the whole process of product conception :
– We use it to schedule spots, activity of operators, and machines use
. – It allows you to track the progress of your order, during all the production .
How it works ?
For each product the technical data sheet is available in your online area .
Every time a process is completed, in progress, finish to date, it will be reported as a measure of you order progress on the datasheet online .
This document is a part of “reference sample”

Marketing series :
Making small series from 30 to 50 pieces per style/size
Available in a short time, these small series could be use for your sales team, your professional exhibitions, your press release, your shots , your website …
How it works ?
We make these small batches ” per unit ” (not in chain ) in our prototype workshops – models. We assign a group of + / – 5 people for your project , with a target of 6 to 10 pieces per person / day , depending on the complexity of the models
All operations are strictly similar to those we will propose during production.
Our standard rates for ” marketing pre- series” :
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Production of your clothing line
Setting productions series
How it works ?
Under the supervision of a project manager : A team of operators is specially organized in a dedicated work space according to the type of clothing. This workspace is then redefined ( organization of machines), to ensure optimized production chain for each product .
Our standard rates for for the “production series ” :
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time to achieving ” Production of your clothing line ” :
See our monthly production capacity for each type of product
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